Create an integration template

After your Make account has been prepared, the next step is to build an integration template. This template will be used in the Integration Wizard that you can integrate within your product, enabling your users to create their automations. Fields that are marked as Use in Wizard in your Integration Template will be shown to your users in the Integration Wizard.

The process is similar to the existing template creation process in Make, except the Bridge integration templates are stored separately.


To access the Integration Template builder, log in to your Make account, click Templates in the left sidebar, and then click + Create a new Bridge template.


Build your integration template with your required apps and functionality. The fields you mark as Use in Wizard will be displayed to users in the Integration Wizard. Currently, data stores and data structures are not supported. For information regarding using apps and modules in your templates, see the Make Help Center.


Name the integration template and click the Save icon.


Click Show wizard to test your integration template and experience the Integration Wizard as your users will.


After you have finalized and tested your integration template, click Make instanceable. This makes your integration template accessible in Bridge.


Save the Instanceable ID number provided and click OK.

The integration templates are stored within your organization and can be found under Bridge Templates on the Templates page. Access to these templates is available to users within your organization, based on their Make roles.

Last updated