Clone scenario

Required scopes:

  • scenarios:write

Clones the specified scenario. The response contains all information about the scenario clone.

You have to know which app integrations the scenario contains. You can get a list of apps used in the scenario with the API call GET /scenarios/{scenarioId} in the usedPackages array.

If you are cloning the scenario to a different team and the scenario contains an app module, webhook or data store, you have to either:

  • map the entity ID to a different entity with the correct properties. For example, you can map an app module connection to a different connection of the same app with the same scopes, or

  • use the notAnalyze query parameter to turn off the scenario clone blueprint analysis.

When you turn off the scenario blueprint analysis you can map the entity ID to the null value, which omits the entity settings.

The scenario blueprint analysis makes sure that the scenario clone will work without further changes. If you turn off the scenario blueprint analysis, check the configuration of all entities in the scenario clone.

If you are cloning the scenario to a different team and the scenario contains a custom app or a custom function, which is not available for the users in the team, use the confirmed query parameter to confirm cloning of the scenario. Otherwise, you get an error listing the custom function that you have to create in the team.

Refer to the request body parameters description and examples for more information.

Last updated