Accessibility of Make API endpoints differs depending on the Make platform you use. On Make and our hosted cloud version, regular users cannot access the administration interface. Administration API resources are meant only for internal Make administrators.
In the on-premise version, any user with a platform administration role assigned can access the administration interface. These users can also access API endpoints that are meant for administrators.
Access to the Make API resources depends also on the scopes assigned to the authentication token. Some resources require more than one scope. There are two types of scopes - read and write.
Read scope:read
Allows you to use the GET method with endpoints, usually to get a list of resources or a resource detail. No modification is allowed.
Write scope:write
Allows you to use the POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE methods with endpoints to create, modify, or remove resources.
Even if you are not the administrator, you can assign to your token the scopes meant for administrators. However, if you try to access the admin resources as a regular user, you will receive the 403 Access denied error in response.
Administration scopes (only for administrators of Make White Label platforms)
Allows getting all resources and information available only to administrators -- all resources that are available in the administration interface, such as collections of all created users, templates, scenarios, and custom and native apps for the whole platform and all their details.
Allows performing all actions available only to administrators --- all actions that can be performed in the administration interface, such as creating organizations, deleting approved templates, reviewing custom apps, creating and deleting new users, overwriting scenarios and templates settings.
Native apps
Allows getting a collection of all native apps.
Allows getting details of a native app.
Allows updating a native app.
Allows deleting a native app.
System settings
Allows reading the Make platform settings.
Allows modifying the Make platform settings.
Standard user scopes (for all users of Make platforms)
Allows retrieving connections for a given team.
Allows getting details of a connection.
Allows creating new connections.
Allows updating connections.
Allows deleting connections.
Allows setting data for connections.
Allows verifying connections.
Allows checking if a connection scope is limited.
Custom property structures
Allows retrieving the list of custom properties structures in the organization.
Allows getting custom properties items.
Allows creating custom properties structures.
Allows creating custom property structure items.
Allows updating custom property structure items.
Allows deleting custom property structure items.
Data stores
Allows getting all data stores for a given team.
Allows getting records from a data store.
Allows creating new data store.
Allows updating data stores.
Allows deleting data store.
Allows modifying the records of a data store.
Allows retrieving all devices for a given team.
Allows getting details of a device.
Allows creating new devices.
Allows updating devices.
Allows deleting devices.
Incomplete executions
Allows getting all incomplete executions of a given scenario.
Allows getting details of an incomplete execution.
Allows getting bundles, blueprints, and logs of an incomplete execution.
Allows updating incomplete executions.
Allows deleting incomplete executions.
Custom functions
Allows getting data about the custom functions which belong to the team.
Allows getting the history of updates to the custom functions.
Allows creating custom functions.
Allows updating custom functions.
Allows deleting custom functions.
Allows getting all hooks (mailhooks and webhooks) for a given team.
Allows getting hook requests.
Allows checking if a hook is active.
Allows creating new hooks.
Allows updating hooks.
Allows deleting hooks.
Allows enabling or disabling hooks.
Allows starting or stopping the automatic determination of a data structure for a hook.
Allows setting data for hooks.
Allows getting all keys for a given team.
Allows getting key types.
Allows creating new keys.
Allows updating keys.
Allows deleting keys.
Allows getting all notifications for a given user.
Allows getting details of a notification.
Allows marking notifications as read.
Allows deleting notifications.
Allows getting all organizations to which the authenticated user belongs.
Allows getting installed apps, invitations, user roles, and basic details of organizations.
Allows creating new organizations (only for admins).
Allows updating organizations.
Allows deleting organizations.
Allows accepting invitations to organizations.
Allows adding members to organizations.
Allows getting data of organization variables to which the authenticated user belongs.
Allows getting the history of updates of custom organization variables.
Allows creating custom organization variables.
Allows updating custom organization variables.
Allows deleting custom organization variables.
Allows getting all scenarios for a given team or organization.
Allows getting details of a scenario.
Allows getting properties of triggers included in scenarios.