OAuth 2.0 flow in the Make API

To integrate Make into your client application using the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow, follow the standard OAuth 2.0 protocol. You will need to use the GET /authorize endpoint and the POST /token endpoint.

The OAuth 2.0 and OIDC endpoints use the Make authentication server URL as their baseUrl instead of the URL of the Make zone servers.


Your implementation calls the authorization consent endpoint GET /authorize. This action redirects the user to the consent page.

Note the query parameters of the API call, especially the scope parameter for listing granted scopes, and the redirect_uri parameter to specify location where you want to redirect the user after finishing the consent.

If you are using the OpenID authentication, you have to add the openid scope to the list of requested scopes.


Store the access_code and the code_verifier result.


Use the endpoint to request access token to get the access_token or the refresh_token.

If you got granted the openid scope, the response will also include the id_token.

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