Make API documentation
Make API documentation
Getting started
Base URL
Make API structure
HTTP methods
Rate limiting
Making your first API request
Pagination, sorting and filtering
Pagination and sorting
Roles and API scopes
Creating authentication token
Managing authentication token
Troubleshooting and error handling
HTTP and custom error codes
API Reference
Get user's detail
List users
Create a new user
Update user information
Delete a user
Set user organization role
Transfer organization ownership
Set user team role
List teams
Create a team
Update team
Delete a team
List organizations
Create an organization
Update organization
Delete an organization
Platform settings
Get default license
Audit logs
List organization audit logs
Get organization audit log filters
List team audit logs
Get team audit log filters
Get audit log detail
List connections
Create connection
List updatable connection parameters
Update a connection
Get connection details
Rename a connection
Delete connection
Verify connection
Verify if connection is scoped
Custom properties
List custom property structures
Create a custom property structure
Structure items
List custom property structure items
Create a custom property structure item
Update custom property structure item
Delete custom property structure item
Data stores
List data stores
Create data store
Delete data stores
Get data store details
Update data store
List data store records
Create data store record
Delete data store records
Update entire data store record
Update data store record details
Data structures
List data structures
Create data structure
Update data structure
Delete data structure
Clone data structure
Incomplete executions
List scenario incomplete executions
Delete scenario incomplete executions
Incomplete execution detail
Update incomplete execution
Get failed scenario blueprint
Get incomplete execution bundles
List incomplete executions logs
Incomplete execution log detail
List timezones
List countries
List locales
List languages
List email notification settings
List API token scopes
List Make regions
List Make zones
List variable types
Custom functions
List custom functions
Create a custom function
Check custom function code
Custom function detail
Update a custom function
Delete custom function
Custom function updates history
List hooks
Create hook
Get hook details
Delete hook
Update hook
Ping hook
Learn start
Learn stop
Enable hook
Disable hook
Set hook details
Get webhook queue
Delete items from webhook queue
Get webhook queue item detail
Get webhook queue stats
Get webhook logs
Get webhook execution detail
List keys
Create a key
List key types
Get key details
Update a key
Delete a key
List notifications
Delete notifications
Get notification detail
Mark all notifications as read
List user organizations
Create an organization
Get organization details
Update organization information
Delete an organization
Get a list of custom apps
Invite a user to the organization
List organization variables
Create organization variable
Update organization variable
Delete organization variable
History of custom variable updates
Get organization usage
User organization roles
List user roles
Get user organization role details
Transfer organization ownership
List scenarios
Create scenario
Get scenario details
Update scenario
Delete scenario
Get trigger details
Clone scenario
Check module data
Activate scenario
Deactivate scenario
Run a scenario
Get scenario interface
Update scenario interface
Get scenario usage
List scenario logs
Get execution log
Get scenario blueprint
Get blueprint versions
List scenario consumptions
Custom properties data
Get custom properties data
Fill in custom properties data
Update custom properties data
Set custom properties
Delete custom properties data
Scenarios folders
List scenario folders
Create scenario folder
Update scenario folder
Delete scenario folder
List teams
Create a team
Get team details
Delete a team
List team variables
Create team variable
Update team variable
Delete team variable
History of custom variable updates
Get team usage
User team roles
List user roles in the team
Get user team role details
List templates
Create template
Get template details
Update template
Delete template
Get template blueprint
Publish template
Request approval
List public (approved) templates
Get public (approved) template details
Get public (approved) template blueprint
List users
Update user
Update user email
Update user password
Send password reset demand
Set session for resetting lost password
Reset lost password
Current user data
User Organization invitations
API Tokens
Create new API token
List users API tokens
Delete API token
User team roles
List user roles
Get user team role detail
Update user role
User team notifications
List user team notification settings
Check user's notification settings
Update user's notification settings
User organization roles
List user roles in an organization
Get user organization role details
Update user role
Transfer organization ownership
User role definitions
Unread notifications
Unread notifications
Search or ask...
API explorer
API explorer
Dark mode