Dynamic CSPs

The Dynamic CSPs field of System settings lets you customize your instance's Content Security Policy (CSP). To permit resources and content from external URLs, use the following procedure:

  1. Create a JSON array of the permitted sources. You can use CSP directives as the key and domains as the value according to the following format:

    1. Omit the dash and any characters after the dash of a CSP directive. Examples: connect for connect-src or font for font-src

    2. Omit https:// from URLs. You can use wildcards. Examples: drive.example.com or *.example.com

    3. Example JSON array:

    { "connect": [".example.com", "wss://web.socket.com"], "font": [".example.com"] }

  1. Insert your JSON object into the Dynamic CSPs field.

  2. Click Save.

A message briefly appears confirming the changes are saved.

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