App review
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When you create a custom app you can use it anytime. When you finish the development and testing of your app, you might share the app with selected users with an invite link. But if you want to provide your custom app to all Make users, we at Make want to make sure that your app is up to Make apps standard. To check that, Make has the app review process.
If you want to provide your app to other Make users, you have to request a review of your app first. Check the App review prerequisites for rules and requirements for the App's code.
When you request an app review, the Make QA team will check your custom app's code. If your app meets Make's requirements and follows the app development best practices, Make will publish your app and make the app available to all Make users. Otherwise, the Make QA team will contact you with instructions how you should improve your custom app.
After you check the app review prerequisites, you can request an app review. Click the link below for instructions on how to request an app review.
The review process consists of multiple stages. You can check the current stage of the review in the Flow tab.
When Make approves your app, the app becomes available to all Make users. Because of that, your custom app management changes. Read the linked section to find out more.
It is important to keep your app up-to-date and provide support to your app's users. More information can be found below.