Pull changes from Make app
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Once you finish the development of new changes and components in the Make app you can push the changes to the local app. To do so, follow the steps below.
Go to Visual Studio Code and open the local directory with the local app file.
If you are uncertain how to do so, simply follow the steps in the corresponding section in the article.
Locate the makecomapp.json file and right-click it. In the pop-up menu select Pull All Components from Make (beta) option.
In the dialog, select the testing app origin.
All changes in the existing components will be pulled into the local components. If there is a new component, a dialog will appear. Either confirm the creation of the component by pressing Enter or click Ignore permanently/do not map with the remote option.
To properly track the new version of your local app in a local workspace or git repository, follow the corresponding steps in this article.