Instant Trigger (webhook)

Instant Trigger is a trigger that is executed immediately when the data arrives to Make.

There is nothing to configure in this module except the interface. The data processing is handled by a selected Webhook.



  • Communication is only optional in the Instant Trigger.

  • It can be used for retrieving additional data.

  • iterate directive is not available.

  • pagination directive is not available.

  • Only a single request can be performed.

Retrieving additional data for each bundle

If you need to retrieve additional data for each bundle, you can describe a request to execute for each bundle of the webhook:

    "url": "{{}}",
    "response": {
        "output": {
          "id": "{{}}",
          "data": "{{body}}"

Static Parameters

Static parameters

The Instant Trigger module can only have static parameters. There's no reason to have anything mappable in the Instant Trigger as this module is always the first module in the scenario.



Exactly one bundle is generated with each incoming webhook.



To help the users with setting up your module, you can provide samples to it.

Available IML Variables

These IML variables are available for you to use everywhere in this module:

  • now - Current date and time.

  • environment - TBD

  • temp - Contains custom variables created via temp directive.

  • parameters - Contains module’s input parameters.

  • connection - Contains connection’s data collection.

  • common - Contains app’s common data collection.

  • data - Contains module’s data collection.

  • scenario - TBD

  • metadata.expect - Contains module’s raw parameters array the way you have specified it in the configuration.

  • metadata.interface - Contains module’s raw interface array the way you have specified it in the configuration.

Additional variables available to Response Object:

  • output - When using the wrapper directive, the output variable represents the result of the outputdirective.

Additional variables available after using the iterate directive, i.e. in wrapper or pagination directives:

  • iterate.container.first - Represents the first item of the array you iterated.

  • iterate.container.last - Represents the last item of the array you iterated.

Additional variables available to Pagination and Response Objects:

  • body - Contains the body that was retrieved from the last request.

  • headers - Contains the response headers that were retrieved from the last request.

  • item - When iterating this variable represents the current item that is being iterated.

Additional variables available in the Instant Trigger

  • payload - This variable represents the current webhook item that is being processed.


Last updated