Approval of changes in approved app

Approval of changes in Make

Once you decide that the changes, you have made so far, should be applied to the public version of your app as well, you will need to pass update review.

In order to do so, open the Review tab in your app, and update the form. Enter links to your updated scenarios with new logs, where we can see the functionality of updated modules, and/or links to new scenarios with logs, where we can see the functionality of your new modules. Then, submit the form by clicking Update review.

After submitting the form, you will receive a new e-mail confirming that we have logged your request. You can find the e-mail by subject's name: "App Update Review: YourApp'sName".

Our Senior Developers will check your changes. The changes can be either approved or rejected.

In case of approval, you will be informed by e-mail, that your changes have been approved.

While in case of refusal, our senior developer will contact you with further details and/or recommendations for the correct solutions.

What is considered a change that has to be approved by Make

  • changes in current connection, modules, RPCs, custom IML functions, webhooks

  • a new connection, modules, RPCs, custom IML functions, webhooks

  • new theme and/or logo of the app

Rollback of changes in Make

If you need to have all changes, that you have made so far, rollbacked, contact us via helpdesk.

Last updated