Approved app
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Last updated
When Make approves your app, your app becomes available to all Make users in their scenarios. To the users, an app developed Make looks the same as the app developed by you. You have to take your custom app's management responsibly, since any Make user might be using your custom app in their scenario.
After a custom app's publishing, Make provides you with a development version of your custom app. You can find the development version of your app by searching for your app in the scenario editor:
The search now has two results:
The app with the tag custom app: This is a development version of your app that only you can see and work with. When you update your custom app, the development version of your app will have your changes.
The app without a tag: This is a public version of your app. Anyone can use this version of the app. Changes to this version have to be approved by Make.
If you need to make changes to the app's public version, you have to test your changes in the version labeled custom app first.
When you are done with the updates and testing check the link below for the next steps.
It is important to keep your app up-to-date and react to API changes on time, e.g. when the API is going to shut down. Also, it is needed to fix issues reported by users.
Read more about maintenance of approved apps below.