Terms of approved app maintenance
When Make approves your custom app any Make user can use your custom app. You have to maintain the app to keep the app working. That involves:
updating the custom app when a relevant part of the service API changes
fixing bugs the users report
submit API checkups
checking feature requests on the Make Idea Exchange regularly
When you maintain the custom app actively, the users can use the app with confidence. The users don't have to worry that their scenarios stop working with new service updates.
Fix reported issues
When a user reports an issue, Make validates the issue. If the issue is valid, we contact you via e-mail with a request to fix the reported issue.
At Make, we make sure that everything works for our customers. If you do not fix the validated issue or stop communicating with Make, we will access the app's code and fix it for the app's users.
API Checkup
Make sends you a request to update the custom app's API checkup every six months. The Make API checkup helps you and Make to:
watch changes in API and API's docs
make sure the app is up-to-date
manage deprecations of endpoints or API
manage new versions of the API
inform users about shutdowns and other cases in advance
The API checkup form contains the following data about the service API:
Currently used API version
The version of the API the app is currently using.
, 2019-01
Currently used API's documentation
URL of the API's online documentation.
Currently used API's changelog
URL of API's changelog in the API's docs.
Currently used API deprecation date
The date, when the API was or will be deprecated.
01. 02. 2023
Currently used API shutdown date
The date, when the API was or will shut down.
01. 06. 2023
Breaking change in currently used API
Information about the breaking changes in the API.
, false
Breaking change note
Note about the particular breaking changes in the API.
"Endpoint X has removed parameters. More info in https://...."
Latest API available
Is there a newer API available or not?
, false
Latest API version
Version of the latest available API.
, 2023-01
Latest API's documentation
URL of the latest online documentation of the API.
Any note that can help with the evaluation of the app's status or the next API checkup.
"The latest v2 version is currently in beta."
At Make, we make sure that everything works for our customers. If you do not submit the API checkup form or stop communicating with Make, we will take over the custom app maintainership to ensure that Make users can continue using it.
Feature requests on Make Idea Exchange
When Make users miss a feature in an app, they can submit a new request to App Improvement Ideas board. We recommend you check the list of feature requests for your app regularly and respond to them. You can use the search bar for listing requests which mention your app.
Last updated