Live Stream
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Live Stream displays what is happening in the background once you've hit the Run once button in your scenario. It allows you to view the following information for each module in your scenario:
Request Headers (API endpoint URL, HTTP method, time and date the request has been called at, request headers, and query string)
Request Body
Response Headers
Response Body
After you run a scenario, click one of the tabs in the right panel of Integromat DevTool to view the desired information.
Searching Requests and Responses
Enter the search term into the search field in the left panel of Integromat DevTool to only display requests that contain the search term.
Removing requests from the list
To clear the list of requests recorded by Integromat DevTool, click the trash bin icon in the top-right corner of DevTool's left panel.
Enabling console logging
Retrieving the request in the raw JSON format or cURL
cURL can be retrieved using the Copy cURL button next to the Copy RAW button.
To enable logging into the console, click the computer icon () in the top-right corner of the DevTool's left panel. Logging into the console is enabled when the color of the computer icon switches to green.
To retrieve the raw JSON content of the request, click the Copy RAW icon () in the top-right corner of the DevTool's right panel.