Approved apps
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This section explains the work with updates in an approved app.
Once an app is approved by Make, the code is locked and it starts to be versioned. When a new change is made in the code of the app, it automatically creates Diff files, which contain detailed information about the changes. Every change made to the app is visible only to you unless we commit it. You can safely add and test new functions and when they are stable, you must follow our guidelines to have the changes checked and released to users. The Diff files are available in both environments, the web interface, and VS Code extension. Also, you should always make sure the changes will not break existing scenarios.
The changes you make will become available only after triggering your scenario in your web browser. This can be done by clicking the Run once button, or by selecting the Run this module only option after right-clicking on a module with your mouse.
To make the changes available to all users in Make, you must request approval of the changes. Once approved, the changes will be available to all users. Additionally, you will have the ability to schedule your scenario with the updated modules, that were previously run in "run-once" mode.
When deciding whether to update the current app or create a new app version, take into account the user experience. Updating tens or hundreds of scenarios might be complicated and a time-consuming process.
If possible, you should prioritize updating the current app instead of creating a new version.
It is recommended to create a new version of the app, when there are major changes in the current API and/or there is a new API version available, and it is not possible to update the current app without breaking changes.
This way, you will make sure that everything is consistent, there are no breaking changes made in the current app, and at the same time, users will be able to upgrade the modules in their scenarios using our upgrade module tool. Read more about the upgrade module tool in our Make Help Docs:
If you need to create a new version of your app, create a new app, and develop its content. Once your app is finished, request for app's review. During the app's review, do not forget to mention the app should be compiled as a new version of the current app.