Names, labels & descriptions
Module names
A name of a module, an RPC, or a custom IML function should not match with any reserved word in JavaScript. See the list of reserved words in JavaScript here.
Module labels
Every module should have a label that precisely describes the module's use. For each type of module, there is a standard naming convention. But it may change depending on the functionality of the module. The label should be composed of the verb expressing the intended action (Create, Update, Watch, etc.) and the name of the entity being processed (Customer, Invoice, Table, etc.).
Names of modules follow the English format - they are capitalized - Specifically, they use Title Case - refer to Chicago Manual of Style. Basically, every word is capitalized except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.
Watch Events
Create a Report
Update a Record
List Photos
Search Files
Add Members to a Group
Get a Group's Info
Triggers and instant triggers (webhooks)
These modules watch for new data in a given service and return it. Compose the label according to this pattern Watch <watched node>
Watch Events
Watch Photos
Watch Deleted Files
These modules write data into a service, modify data in the service, or retrieve a single result. Compose the label using simple verbs like Create, Get, Update and Delete and the modified or created node. Use the naming convention of the service you are implementing.
Create a Note
Update a File
Get a User
Delete a Task
These modules retrieve data from the service and allow retrieving one or more results. Compose the label using simple verbs like Search or List. Use the naming convention of the service you are implementing.
Search Files
List Tasks
Module descriptions
In a few words, describe the functionality of the module. Write the description in the third person and capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the description (like a normal sentence structure).
Example: Description for the module Update a Time Entry:
Updates a time entry for a specific user.
Triggers use the "Triggers when..." in the descriptions. For example, the description for the module Watch New Users should be: **"**Triggers when a new user is created."
Names and labels of input and output parameters
For labels, try to use the same names and conventions as in the integrated service. It helps users to use the app in Make and not be confused.
For variable names, use the same names that come from the service API. It helps when debugging for both advanced Make users and support agents. Ideally, the output of the module should be the same as the response from the API.
Be sure to use the correct uppercase for abbreviated words, such as ID, IDs, URL, GPS, VAT, etc.
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